After teaching in academia for 14 years between Woodbury University (Los Angeles), University of Philosophical Research (Los Angeles), and Ringling College of Art and Design (Sarasota, Florida), I now focus on researching the way our language reflects the larger metaphysical dimensions of our lives through my own writing practice.
I have dual citizenship (Italy and USA), and was raised in France and California with an Italian father and an American mother. I have been attracted to linguistic sound values my whole life---and even further, to the experience of sound at large as a basis for existential tempo: the pace of life, of memory, of the actual experience of walking related to our thinking, and especially to the fluctuating natural world--all in tension between known and unknown.
My life is very connected to changes in the natural world and the diurnal sky. I sense a kinship with these movements. Somehow, the subtle changes of light and darkness modulating throughout the day into night over the course of the year move through me as a language-making/sense perception force. I feel I can speak because I am a time signature moved by the same circularity.
These preoccupations bring me to the preSocratic thinkers, to Martin Heidegger, to Gaston Bachelard, to alchemical writers such as Paracelsus, Rudolf Steiner, and to the cultural philosopher Jean Gebser. My work moves between text on the page to sound recording and design…. with the goal of documenting how nature moves from within.